ATVs: Everything You Need to Know By Steve Casper


ATVs: Everything You Need to Know gives advice on how to choose the right model of ATV, choice of riding gear, basic riding techniques, safety advice, and more. The book is very well illustrated with colour photographs.

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ATVs: Everything You Need to Know
Steve Casper

  • Publisher: Motorbooks, 2005
  • Softcover
  • ISBN 9780760320426
  • First edition
  • 27 x 21 cm.
  • 160 pages

ATVs: Everything You Need to Know gives advice on how to choose the right model of ATV, choice of riding gear, basic riding techniques, safety advice, and more. The book is very well illustrated with colour photographs.

The illustrated card covers are clean, bright, and in very good condition.
the binding is secure and bright and the interior is unmarked and in fine condition.

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