Three Centuries of Manchester Physics Vol 1: 1641-1870


Three Centuries of Manchester Physics Vol 1: 1641-1870 is the first part of a series that tells the interesting story of the origins of Manchester University and the best of Manchester physics in those early days.

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Three Centuries of Manchester Physics Vol 1: 1641-1870 By Robin Marshall

  • Publisher: Champagne Cat, 2017
  • Softcover
  • ISBN: 9781973260950
  • First edition
  • 230 x 153 mm
  • 178 pages

Three Centuries of Manchester Physics Vol 1: 1641-1870 is the first part of a series that tells the interesting story of the origins of Manchester University and the best of Manchester physics in those early days.

The card covers are clean and in fine condition. The binding is very tight, and the interior is unmarked and in fine condition.