Hammer-Beam Roofs in Norfolk Churches By S. J. Robinson


This publication is a unique labour of love by someone who was fascinated by the church architecture of Norfolk. There is no information about when this study was done but I would guess it was a one-off self- published. It discusses the features of the structures and contains photographs and drawings of hammer-beam roofs that have been pasted onto card.

1 in stock


Hammer-Beam Roofs in Norfolk Churches
S. J. Robinson

This publication is a unique labour of love by someone who was fascinated by the church architecture of Norfolk.  It discusses the features of the structures and contains photographs and drawings of hammer-beam roofs that have been pasted onto card. There is no information about when this study was done and I would speculate that it wasn’t published in any quantity.

This ring-bound volume is clean and in very good overall condition.